Chiropractic is a diversified service that treats all areas related to the musculoskeletal system. This includes all muscle, joint, nerve related issues. Joint manipulation is a commonly used modality within the chiropractic scope. It is a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint, using high-velocity-low- amplitude (HVLA) thrusting maneuvers. It reduces pressure in various joint cavities from the spine to ankles and knees. Joint manipulation increases range of motion in joints and restores function.
Our Chiropractors utilize a wide range of adjunct services within their chiropractic treatments. More details on these services are listed below.
Massage Therapy is the assessment and treatment of the soft tissues of the body; muscles, connective tissue and joints, by hands-on manipulation. Treatments have a therapeutic effect to work with the body's own healing factors by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. The development, maintenance and improvement of physical function can be achieved with various manual techniques; and physical dysfunction, pain and injuries can be relieved or prevented through the appropriate use of Massage Therapy.
Our Massage Therapist Nevin utilizes deep tissue massage along with other modalities (ie. Acupuncture, Cupping, etc.) to treat and maintain the health of his patients.
Physiotherapists assess and treat injuries and pain that are related to the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints and nerves. Physiotherapy helps to promote optimal mobility, strength and function for overall health and improved quality of life. Rehabilitation of an injury includes diverse treatment options such as manual therapy, exercise prescription, acupuncture, planning and pacing, sport/work specific training and injury prevention.
Pelvic health physiotherapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to assess and treat the tissues, nerves and muscles in the pelvic region. Dysfunction of the pelvic floor can lead to urinary or fecal incontinence or urgency, overactive bladder, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, painful intercourse, painful periods, low back and hip pain and much more.
How can it help during pregnancy?
- Reduce urinary and/or fecal symptoms
- Alleviate pelvic girdle, low back and hip pain
- Prepare vaginal tissues/muscles for delivery
- Provide safe exercises such as stretches, mobility and strength training
** Recommended post partum follow up is 6-8 weeks after delivery date.
Medical Acupuncture
Fine solid needles are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites along the meridians. It is then stimulated with electrical current for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system.
Functional Integrated Needling
Differs from medical acupuncture in that it does not use meridians. The needles are inserted into specific anatomic structures to promote blood flow; in turn decreasing muscle tension and pain.
Our Chiropractors offer both types of needling and decide which to use based on the patient's condition.
Why and when should my child see a chiropractor?
A newborn baby typically experiences a difficult birthing process or suffers from distress during their journey through the birth canal. Being instrument-assisted to come into the world whether it be forceps, vacuum, manual neck traction, or c-section can also cause dysfunction in their tiny bodies. Even an intervention-free vaginal birth places stress on an infant’s spine. Your child is never too young to see a chiropractor. Ideally, it’s best to bring your child in the first month of life. Older children can benefit from a visit to the chiropractor too. They can experience a lot of the common symptoms adults feel whether they are super active or bookworms. Chiropractic care will help your child feel their best as they grow.
What can a pediatric chiropractor treat?
A chiropractor that focuses on pediatric care can help assess and treat for any dysfunction of the spine that may be causing your child discomfort. The most common conditions we treat are colic and irritability, developmental/motor delays, digestion issues, difficulties feeding or latching, lip and tongue-tie, torticollis, and plagiocephaly. Pediatric chiropractic adjustments are very gentle and safe. Follow up visits are often recommended during major milestones – starting to roll, sit, crawl, walk, etc. Developmental milestones are typically assessed at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months and 18 months. If they have experienced any trauma or there have been any signs of imbalance (head tilting, excessive crying, poor sleep, excessive spitting up, constipation, favouring a specific side, etc.) that is also good indication that your child should be checked by a pediatric chiropractor.
What does pediatric chiropractic care look like?
There is no audible sound or twisting of the spine required to treat an infant. We use a gentle pressure, similar to the pressure used when checking the ripeness of an avocado, that helps facilitate proper movement and eliminate any restrictions of the spine. Manual adjustments of the spine are always modified to the age, size and developmental stage of the child. Home exercises are often prescribed to keep your child functioning at their best in between treatments.
Biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. This imbalance could be stemming anywhere on the lower limb and will be assessed individually. We use a Orthogenic labs; German engineering and American innovation meets Canadian experience and design culminating in your custom made products.
Casting Technique/Type:
Non-weight bearing 3D volumetric cast in subtalar neutral using an infrared structured light scanner.
Functional Orthotic Features:
Orthotic features and additions include, but are not limited to: Metatarsal Pads, Metatarsal Bars, Heel Spur pads,
Plantar Fascia Accommodations, Forefoot Plantar Lesions, etc.
An ancient therapy that creates suction on the skin promoting blood flow and reducing muscle tension.
The application of the tape is geared to restrict activity of a tight muscle and facilitate activity of an underutilized muscle. Performance taping may be used on to help with daily postural deviations and also optimizing function in athletic performances. It can be worn for 24 hours a day, 3-5 days/week.
This instrument is used to scan the body for fascial restrictions and scar tissue. It causes a controlled micro trauma that stimulates specialized nerve endings in the skin and fascia that help to normalize fascial tone.
Compression socks and stockings are designed for compression therapy. They apply gentle pressure to your legs and ankles, promoting blood flow from your legs to your heart. Compression socks can also reduce pain and swelling in your ankles and legs. Some benefits include:
boost circulation in your legs
support veins
prevent blood from pooling in your leg veins
diminish leg swelling
reduce orthostatic hypotension, which causes lightheadedness or unsteadiness when you stand
help prevent venous ulcers
prevent development of deep vein thrombosis in your legs
help lessen the pain caused by varicose veins
reverse venous hypertension
improve lymphatic drainage
Whether to correct postural imbalances from occupations to post surgical rehabilitation, all individuals would benefit from corrective exercises.
Pre/Post Rehabilitation
Strengthening muscles atrophied pre/post surgery to minimize the effects of compensations.
Please refer to the Rehab Video section of this website for some demonstrative videos.
Complete Concussion Management
As a certified Complete Concussions location we provide a full evidence-based
concussion management program including everything from pre-season baseline
testing to concussion treatment and rehabilitation, helping our patients and athletes
safely return to learn, work and play. Some of the strategies and services include:
- Balance Rehab - Nutritional interventions
- Vision Rehab - Cognitive Testing
- Integrated Manual Therapy - Exercise Rehab
- Return to School, Work and Sport - Pre-season Testing
- Educational resources